Sunday, January 25, 2009


These past three weekends have all held wonderful surprises that could only have fallen from above.

January 10, Saturday, afternoon. Nina texted me during CAT that I passed the ACET. Psych. And to think that my answer sheet had lots of stray marks, plus I actually did not finish the numerical ability at the last portion of the test. Damn the stupid music at the SMCS gym. Then, this. Top 15% of the ACET. Four of us – me, Eli and Bea (ME), and Marielle (Bio). That’s 4 out of 19. Later that afternoon, Sir Joebar informed me that I aced the USTET – passed in biochem, waitlisted in MedTech. Yippee.

January 10, Saturday, evening. It was around 10. Juliet Go called me up and told me that I was included in the Director’s List. I was like, what?????!!!!! Are you serious? Me – director’s list? You have to be joking – but he wasn’t. So the paper that bore lots of stray marks – we’d been warned that stray marks would mark our answers wrong – was not only in the top 15%, but also in the top 200 among the thousands who took the ACET. How cool is that?!

January 17, Saturday, before dawn. *Someone* called me up on my cell. At 5 in the morning!!! Oh, and that someone had not actually slept at all. So when he was chatting with me, he referred to 'yesterday' as 'earlier today'. Talk about jet lag. Anyway, Eli told me that I passed the UPCAT. Manila. Biochem. How cool is that again???!!! UPM has the highest cut-off among all UP campuses. Rewind to August 2, 2008: I actually palagpat-shaded around 15 items in the language part of the UPCAT, plus three reading comprehension texts – that’s around 15-20 numbers. But, 8 of us: me, Eli and Donna (UPV accountancy), Bea (UPV marketing), Juliette (UPV mgt), Marielle (UPV pubh), Elritz (UPV CS), and Michelle (pending). That’s 8 out of 40.

January 23, Friday, late afternoon. Juliet Go called me up again. I said, “Ma’nu ka?” Ahia said, “You don’t wanna hear the good news? Pasar ka sa INTARMED.” Pure alleluia moment. Praise the Lord!!!!!!!

Five learnings:

First, just pray. Pray fervently, and faithfully.
Second, trust in the Lord. It’s enough to make *things* happen.
Third, Simbang Gabi is a gift. Finish the nine days with devotion.
Fourth, the most wonderful things arrive at the most surprising times.
Fifth, Eli would do whatever it takes to tell me the good news. *Sniff*

God bless me on my Aisim. And another blessed weekend.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Wow, it's a new year!!!

Why do people greet each other ‘happy new year’ on a new year? Isn’t it crazy? I mean, come on, as if you reeeeeaaaaally meeeaaan it. If you ask me, I’d say you’re being mean, even; but that’s just about it.

When you say ‘new year’, it’s like, look, it’s a new year! Duh, as if people around you don’t know. And then you wake up at 11 the 1st of Janus’ month and text those creatures who haven’t even slept yet, happy new year! Wow, you must’ve thought you’re the first one to discover it’s a new year!

Then you say ‘happy’ with ‘new year’. Oh really, I don’t feel an ounce of sincerity in there, honey. Shoudn’t it be just ‘happy year’? Duh, every year’s a new year, so what do you call the previous year? Old year?!! Let me greet you a happy old year!

Why do you even greet each other happy new year? Is it just for the sake of greeting? For the sake of conversation? But hey, I’m venturing on another topic here.

Oh my, it’s a new year and my bloggithies are being mean. Haha.

Anyway, I’ve greeted loads of people ‘happy new year’ except one.