The days have become excruciatingly hot. On hindsight, it's a ridiculously first-world sentiment (which is not to say that complaining about rising global temperatures and engaging in all things climate change are not just for the privileged). But when you have to contend with the heat on top of sick people, dying people, drip rates, laboratory tests, scut work, grades, and the thought of getting infected by who-knows-what, shouldn't it be only fair to ask for comfortable, more-than-bearable weather? "We accept the weather we think we deserve" is a line nobody in "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" would have said. Ever.
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The year's not even halfway through, but I believe I already have a name to top my year-end list of local theater's best.
Nobody likes premature sweeping statements, but really, I have nothing but praise for "Kung Paano Ako Naging Leading Lady," which plays the PETA Theater Center until June 7. And since I won't be reviewing it for the paper (because yes, I also sideline as a med student, and the days leading to the end of clerkship have become increasingly busy), I will say only this: Do not dare miss this show. Or live with regret for the rest of your life.
"What was I supposed to do? Leave her lying on the floor like a beached whale?"
And just so you know, I've so far seen only two other perfect/near-perfect shows this year: Repertory Philippines' "4000 Miles" and Tanghalang Ateneo's Filipino-language "Waiting for Godot" featuring the veteran cast. Red Turnip Theater's "Time Stands Still" is a worthy candidate to make this a foursome.
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Since I updated my phone, my sister has made it sort of a daily habit to send me Viber pictures of our dog Disney. I still haven't figured out how to do video calls, or if they're even possible with my ancient iPhone. Questions like whether Disney would recognize me over the phone, or if he could even see (because sister believes they have black-and-white vision or something like that) hound me once in a while.
I just made a pun on dogs.
I don't know the exact details, but my sister, being the devoted mother to Disney, got him a bed. Sort of. It's too small for him. The dog is obese, not that I'd have it any other way. I miss this dog. I will remember to hug him when I go home in June (heaven curse me if I ever forget).
June, by the way, is when sister shall come to Manila to watch her one true love, Idina Menzel, who, unbeknownst to sister, is a real diva.
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I haven't seen Cate Blanchett's "Cinderella." Or the new "Avengers" movie, which is supposed to be pretty bad. I haven't even seen "Guardians of the Galaxy" (though this was a conscious decision on my part).
I did climb a mountain--Pico de Loro in Cavite--on Good Friday, so that should count for something.